Don't miss our Virtual Product Launch 9/24 at 12PM PT!
Don't miss our Virtual Product Launch
9/24 at 12PM PT!
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AI that just works for conversational search.
Turnkey. Private.

Your LLM with the built-in power to answer
data questions for agents & apps.
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Enterprise Data

Transitioning from prototypes to real AI is hard.

Why reinvent the wheel?
A Mind is a private, turnkey AI that just works.

Conversational AI Use Cases
Select an industry below to see examples of how Minds can enhance the user experience cross-functionally.
Conversational AI Search
I'm an application developer at a large bank. We have lots of brokers and affiliates who sell our products and they’re hungry for data to increase their performance. But they’re non-technical and the dashboards are shallow and complex.

I create a Mind, giving it partitioned access to operational and sales data. I expose this data with a chat interface to allow my brokers to ask questions, ask for recommendations on how to improve performance (top performers lead with product x and product y for persona z), and to ultimately sell more products.
Conversational AI Triage
I'm an application developer at a large commercial bank.

I’d like to enable consumers to easily surface transactions that they’ve made, documents that they’ve signed and products that they’re eligible for.I create a Mind and connect it to the account data database, the document store and the product recommendation engine.

Then I can add a feature to that enables the end user is then able to ask questions in a chat interface like “please find the loan document I signed in 2022”, “how much money is in my checking account” and “can I get a better rate on my mortgage?”
Conversational Analytics
I'm an application developer at a top mortgage broker. Mortgages are complicated therefore we require a very large Contact Center with many Customer Support and Sales-focused staff. This is expensive and doesn’t scale well. We need a better solution.

I can greatly reduce this volume by creating a Mind and giving it access to Frequently Asked Questions as a knowledge base, internal product documents, and the answers that human agents have given over the years.

The Mind is able to understand the user’s question, ask for clarifying information if required, and ultimately answer the question. If the question cannot be answered, the question is passed to a human agent.
Conversational AI Search
I'm a Web App developer at a major airline, enabling natural language search for travelers using our Web ticketing app.

I use simple optimized code to build a Intelligent AI Mind and integrate it with our complex compute + database infra. The AI Mind connects travelers to a personalized flight informational dataset that knows all about their travel.

Travelers can ask natural language questions like… “going to Denver next Sunday, what flight ideas do you have?” The AI mind will retrieve the list of suitable flights. And then “by the way, this is a ski trip.” The AI Mind will optimize the flights for allowing more time on the slopes and suggest an SUV rental.
Conversational AI Triage
I'm a Mobile App developer at a top airline, enabling Conversational AI Triage for travelers using our new Customer Support app.

I use simple AI code to build an AI Mind and integrate it with our complex compute + database infra. This connects travelers to a personalized dataset and enables new level of AI Self-service; as yet unseen in our industry.

Our new AI Self-service portal helps travelers communicate  instructions via natural language to get actions done for them without needing a human CS agent. E.g. “My bags missed my connection in DENVER on my flight (UA107 to NYC), when they are found have then delivered to my home address and TXT my phone courier tracking info. If there’s any problems please TXT me. My medication is in my bags.”
Conversational AI Analytics
I'm a Web App developer at a large airline, enabling natural language search for travelers using our Web ticketing app.

I use simple optimized code to build a Mind and integrate it with our complex compute + database infra. The AI Mind connects travelers to their own unique personalized flight informational dataset that spans our entire Data Lake.

Travelers can ask simple questions in a ChatGPT-like experience, that are very difficult to answer without AI, like… “Will this weekend’s weather delay my flight on Saturday to NYC, which connects via DENVER?” The AI Mind will analyze, predict and answer, and will return a beautiful graphical answer in any format the user describes.
Conversational AI Search
I'm an application developer at a large real estate portal, tasked by my CTO with adding the ability for a user to use natural language to better surface their ideal future home.

I use a couple of lines of code to create a Mind. I then use the inbuilt Postgres connector to connect the Mind to my database which contains properties for sale.

Then from my application I can call the Mind I created as if it was an LLM that powers a chat interface like ChatGPT, but where users can ask questions like “show me houses with more than one bedroom in Des Moines that cost less than $400,000,” which the Mind will return.
Conversational AI Triage
I'm an application developer at a leading real estate agency that advertises 20k+ properties at any given time for rent or sale. There are 10k+ queries every day that take a long time for agents to respond to - some are quality leads, some are poor.

I want to add a chat interface to my application that can respond to customer questions, qualify the customer’s interest and pass on to a representative when qualified. With a couple of lines of code I can create a Mind that acts as a triage LLM aware of my customer’s data.

This allows agents to spend time with enquiries that are more likely to close.
Conversational AI Analytics
I'm an application developer at a nationwide property management company. We have information about tenancy data, maintenance issues and regulatory requirements like inspection dates. We store this information in Snowflake.

I can create a Mind, connect it to Snowflake and ship an app to allow our non-technical Operations Managers to ask natural language questions like “What was the time-to-resolution for leaks last month?” or “How many units were vacant last quarter against target?”
Conversational AI Search
I'm a Web App developer at an online store, enabling natural language recommendations and search for our buyers.

I use simple optimized code to build a Intelligent AI Mind and integrate it with our e-store infra. The AI Mind connects users to a personalized product dataset that knows all about their past purchases and browsed products.

Shoppers can ask natural language questions like… “going to a desert, what would you recommend?” The AI Mind will retrieve the list of camping products that would be useful in the desert. And then “by the way, this is burning man.” The AI Mind knows this is more than just a camping trip, and also includes items that might be needed at this particular event.
Conversational AI Search
I'm an application developer at a large energy company.

This is a highly regulated industry with open information like regulations, applications and judgements published by the government (FERC) in formats like PDF. There is public information all the way back to 1981.

This information is crucial for the legal, regulatory, and compliance teams amongst others to be able to access.

I can ingest and store this government data and connect it to a Mind that can allow a user to surface relevant documents, converse with the documentation in plain English, and summarize info relevant to particular topics and themes.
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